10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Waiting for Mad Men

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I finally broke down and got a Netflix account. No, not the new-fangled streaming sort, the old-fashioned we-send-you-one-DVD-at-a-time-sort. (I'm a little slow on the ramp-up with some things, folks. Just look at my phone.)

So here I am with this shiny new toy. Predictably, however, as soon as I clicked the "create account" button, the title of every movie that I Have Always Wanted To See was instantaneously erased from my memory. I am left with an embarrassing queue that consists of The African Queen, The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag, Gas Food Lodging, Mad Men season five episodes, and Magnolia.

Stop laughing.

Okay, already, it's bad. I know. It's really bad. Let me attempt to regain your esteem, dear reader: I went to the indie theater this weekend and saw The Master. Dig you some Joaquin Phoenix. Dig you some Philip Seymour Hoffman. Dig you some Laura Dern.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jaws is still my favorite movie of all time.

In any event, now that you see my unfortunate cinamatic state, do any of you boppers out there have a Netflix suggestion for me?

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