5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Peanut butter celeries and they moved Halloween

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-The Goat is a good goat. The Goat is good at making friends.

-Is there anything more satisfying than filling a piece of celery with peanut butter? Smoothing off the top just so? I think not!

-Yes, I had peanut butter celeries for breakfast.

-I do not know the proper plural of celery and I do not care if "celeries" is not a word.

-Despite his lush whiskered upper lip, John Bolton does not evoke the phrase "mustache ride." That is saying something, people.

-I am composing this silly thing whilst beneath the fluffy covers of the bed. Since the Offices of Erin O'Brien are essentially the area immediately surrounding Erin O'Brien at any given point in time, you could say I'm at work. 

-The city moved Trick or Treat to Sunday night. Oh well. It does not feel like Halloween today anyway.

-I may be the last American woman who still hands out beers to dads on Halloween (Moms too).

-And since we're here: Butterfinger Crisp, Tootsie Pop, Dots, Reeses.

-This is a Yoda squash:

-No, I do not have any clothing on.

-Dinner tonight: leftover chili. Whew. Glad that's done and come to think of it, so is this post.

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