12 Şubat 2013 Salı

The proper equipment

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Dear inventor people,

When I do phone interviews, I have a tiny microphone in my ear that plugs into a digital recorder. Then I have a headset that goes over that so I can type the interview into my computer (and believe me "type" is a generous designation; it's more like a vague outline chock full of misspelled words and gaps which is more or less why I have to record the whole thing in the first place so I can go back and get accurate quotes). The headset plugs into the phone.

When I get the whole miserable mess wired up, I practically look like Alex in Clockwork Orange as he endures correctional programming.

Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, what do I want? I want one device, dammit! It will replace my iPod, my phone, my computer, my recorder, my Flip cam, my phone cam, my regular cam, my kitchen stereo, my television, my laptop, my iPad, my electric toothbrush and who knows what else.

You can call this new device The Thinker. If you Apple people get there first, you can call it the iThink. It'll have to fit in my pocket with a screen that expands to the size of a 60" plasma TV and do every job as successfully as the components it's replacing. I want this thing built to last ten years and I want every part of it made in America. Cost: $99.99

I don't want any cards or chargers or cables or adapters or any of the other crap that's choking the hell out of my style as it is. I want one cord that plugs directly into the top of my head.

If you can't figure it out, you're a bunch of candy asses.

Love and good luck,


ps: Okay, it doesn't have to replace my electric toothbrush.

pss: If you want to call it the iErin, that's okay too.

*  *  *

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