7 Aralık 2012 Cuma

Throwing a Curve Ball

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Jeepers, Creepers, plenty of righties are sure blowing a gasket over the Susan Rice Benghazi "scandal."

Question: Where were Senators Graham and McCain when George Tenet was telling Bush to go to war over the steaming pile of tripe manufactured by "Curve Ball?" Where was the inquiry and the panel and the investigation then?

Susan Rice reads talking points on Benghazi: Red-faced spittle-flecked outrage!

More than four thousand US Troops and 100,000 civilians dead and countless others injured or maimed in Iraq over bogus WMD claims from an unverified source: Um ... oops.

Babies, I hate to break this to you, but Susan Rice ain't no Scooter Libby.

This should come as no surprise from the utterly traitorous GOP, which has turned its collective nose upward at the man they wanted to put into the most powerful position in the world less than one month ago.

I think David Corn got it about right on the Nov. 29th edition of To The Point:

Mitt Romney will not be invited to appear on panels on the future of Republican Party, or even to go on talk shows to talk about the fiscal cliff. He has no force of persuasion within the Republican Party. Outside of the Republican Party, he has no troops. He has no standing. But he did get a free lunch courtesy of the U.S. Government today.


And while we're at it, who exactly is the leader of the GOP these days? McCain? Limbaugh? Priebus? Boehner? McConnell?

Is it Paul Ryan? Can anybody help me out here?

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