10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

East Liverpool....Really??

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My family traveled a lot when I was small. And my mother and father brought me to some really interesting places, including NYC, DC, LA, San Fran, the Big Easy, and Boston….great trips. But they rarely day tripped around here. That translates to we never went to Lake Erie or anything associated with it other than Camp Fitch, nor did we go to anyplace located along the Ohio River. The only time I ever saw East Liverpool was when I traveled with my high school football team to play the Potters.

Let’s face it. East Liverpool, Steubenville, Wellsville…not exactly the garden spot of the world. To be honest, sometimes that area is just plain depressing. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t places worth visiting down there, and having some fun.

A settlement was established in East Liverpool around 1800, and it was originally called St. Clair, then Fawcettstown, and finally incorporated as East Liverpool in 1834, reflecting the nostalgia for Liverpool, England, from whence most of the inhabitants came. The “East” is there to differentiate it from a Liverpool that is located in Medina County.

Those people that came there from Liverpool, England, were potters, and we all know that the heart of the American pottery industry was in East Liverpool. At one time, there were more than 300 potteries in the area. Today, there are only three: The Hall China Company, The Homer Laughlin China Company across the river in Newell, West Virginia, and the Pioneer Pottery.

If you haven’t been to either of the two big potteries listed above, it’s a great day trip. Each of the potteries has outlets that you can pick up some really neat china at great prices. These are seconds, but a little inspection will save you a lot of money. My claim to fame with Hall China is my Ronald Reagan teapot. Several hundred were originally ordered by Nancy Reagan to give as Christmas gifts, but with his nose as the tea spout, the caricature was a bit much, and she returned them all. I picked up several for 10 bucks each, gave some away as gifts and kept one. That sucker is now worth $200.00. Far out.

Homer Laughlin is the home of the famous Fiesta Dinnerware. This china producer is still humming along. Its factory outlet is primo when it comes to the variety of choices. In addition to Fiesta Ware, there is an abundance of institutional china available through the outlet, as well as second and unpaid for restaurant china from all over the United States. These always make for good conversation pieces.

And for those of you who aren’t visitors to Mountaineer Park and Casino, you get to cross the Newell Bridge, which is like stepping back in time. I make the sign of the cross every time I get to the opposite side of the river.

After spending some time at the potteries, visit the Pottery City Antique Mall in downtown East Liverpool. This is a good one, folks. It has 40,000 square feet of stuff spread out of 4 floors with over 200 vendors. I have always been intimidated by these large antique places, but the way this one is laid out, it is not overwhelming.

I like the first floor items located immediately located to the left after you walk into the place. Many items are available here that you won’t find anywhere else, that includes on line. It also has a large black memorabilia collection, one of the largest I have seen, scattered throughout the entire retail area. Give yourself at least several hours to visit the Pottery City Antique Mall.

If you are so inclined, the Ohio Historical Society operates the Museum of Ceramics in the old City Post Office building. The building itself is an impressive structure, both in and out, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition to numerous exhibits and displays about the history of the area and it potteries, it has the largest display of Lotus Ware in the country. Lotus Ware was made in East Liverpool and considered to be the finest porcelain ever produced in the United States. It is beautiful stuff and worth the trip to see.

Would I put East Liverpool at the top of my list of places to visit? I don’t think so. But on a dreary day, or a cold day, or even a sunny when the town doesn’t look so bad, take the 30 minute drive down Route 11, and have some fun.
PS: Also on the list to visit, although I haven't seen it personally, is the Lou Holtz Hall of Fame!!Hometown boy makes good...Cheer, Cheer for old Notre Dame!!

HOMER LAUGHLIN CHINA COMPANY: The Homer Laughlin China Co., 672 Fiesta Drive, Newell, WV 26050 Tel: (800) 452-4462.THE HALL CHINA COMPANY: 1 Anna Avenue; East Liverpool, Ohio 43920THE MUSEUM OF CERAMICS: 400 East Fifth Street East Liverpool, Ohio 43920; Telephone: 330-386-6001 or 800-600-7180POTTERY CITY ANTIQUE MALL: 409 Washington Street,East Liverpool, Ohio 43920Tel: 330-385-6933LOU HOLTZ HALL OF FAME: 120 East Fifth Street,East Liverpool, Ohio 43920Tel: (330) 386-5443

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