Dig you some Big Cow.
Big Cow has attitude. Big Cow has style. I'll take me a mean ol' Big Cow over that candy ass laughing Elsie any day of the week.

Anyone see my bonnet? Hand it over quick--my date's here.

Castle? Check. Court jesters? Yep.

Vehicle of alternative Geauga County Fair attendee.

Sorry to break it to you, Big Foot, but you ain't no Big Cow, so enough with the silly mug already.

Kissin' goats.

Marilyn was at the Fair.

Fried Snickers bar? Sounds good and all, but ... um ... no thanks.

I'll have a giant smoked turkey leg instead.

Peeps in a barn full o' chicks.

Cow #264 was on the scene.

No, Goat, you may not go on the Teddy Bear ride.

Is the associated purveyor only excited about his bratwurst, or am I supposed to carry the enthusiasm of the exclamation point throughout my sign reading experience? Dunno.
What the hell is a Jo-Jo?
I'm sort of diggin' on the fried pickles, but there's just too much bad karma left over from the punctuation trauma.

You cwazy wabbit!

Obligatory tank photo.

CODE RED NEWS ALERT: A blacksmith in a kilt is the gold standard for Not Candy Ass from now on.

We had a blast, Geauga County. See you next year!
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