21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

"Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election"

--Josh Barro for Bloomberg

Folks, after reading this morning's headlines, I am at a loss. I am not going to laugh at Romney or sneer or snark.

The 2012 GOP candidate might have been able to recover from the Latino jokes. He might have been able to explain away the comments about young women locked in a Chinese factory, but essentially calling nearly half of all Americans a bunch of hopeless losers is indelible.

I have no idea if Mr. Barro's prediction is correct. I have no idea what my fellow Americans will do when they step into the voting booth on November 6, but effectively dismissing half of the electorate disqualifies Mr. Romney from the office of the President in my book.

I don't care who he was talking to. How can any American vote for a man who has written off 47 percent of us?

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