14 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Marcus u. Lucas

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Marcus : Lausanne Cathedral : Lausanne, CH

One day, I'm going to take a course in Gothic architecture and the art and iconography that goes into these magnificent buildings. I managed to find Mark and Luke, but no Matthew and John. Maybe the next time I visit Lausanne, I'll succeed! In the meantime, here's what I want to know: are each of the apostles represented in cathedrals by their horoscope? Is that why Mark is a lion and Luke is a cow?

Lucas : Lausanne Cathedral : Lausanne, CH

Photo copyright: Janet M Kincaid, 11/09

On the Shores of Lac Leman, Part I

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Lac Leman a la Rothko, No. 1 : Yvoire, FR

I'm continually struck by the clarity of the water in Lac Leman (Lake Geneva.) These photos were taken from a dock in Yvoire, France, and are an homage to artist Marc Rothko.

Lac Leman a la Rothko, No. 2 : Yvoire, FR

What I especially love about this photo is the reflection of a lake gull and the prominence of gull guano.

Photo copyright: Janet M Kincaid, 12/09

800th Post

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Postes : Yvoire, FR

Just a few shots from around the medieval town of Yvoire, France, on the shores of Lac Leman/Lake Geneva.

This is my 800th post on D.C. Confidential. Thank you to everyone who has stopped here and looked at my pictures or commented. A new year is around the corner, which means new things for this intrepid photographer. Come back on January 1, 2010 and see my new announcement.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Primary and Secondary : Yvoire, FR

Winterizing : Yvoire, FR

Photo copyright: Janet M Kincaid, 12/09

So Long, Farewell, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen...

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My inspiration for my photography: Daniel Chester French's iconic memorial to Abraham Lincoln. This grand monument has been the backdrop of D.C. Confidential for 800 posts. It seems only fitting that it should be the last photo on this blog.

Well, folks, let's face it: D.C. Confidential's time has come. I love this blog and I love the city it initially covered. I've featured a lot of what makes Washington, D.C., beautiful and worth visiting and I'm proud of many of the photos I've posted here.

This blog started out with two purposes: 1) to allow me to develop my photography skills and 2) to get out and discover Washington, D.C., as more than just a place where I was working. I think I've accomplished both goals.

In May 2009, I relocated to Whidbey Island, Washington, and was fully prepared to start a blog there, but I was only on the island three days before I left for a "temporary" job in Switzerland. That's where I am now and I've covered a bit of what I've seen in Europe. But this blog isn't the appropriate site for that, so I'm starting anew.

My thanks to everyone who has visited D.C. Confidential over the last two years or so. Your comments and support have meant a lot to me and I appreciate the time you each took to look at my photos and leave comments. My thanks also to Eric and all the folks who make up the Daily City Photo community. I've been privileged to meet and become friends with some of you and I look forward to continuing that trend!

Now, please join me at my new photo blog: The F-Stops Here...

See you through the aperture!

Janet M. Kincaid

For a Good Cause...

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Dawn of Hope : Lincoln Memorial at Sunrise : Washington, D.C. : October 7, 2007

It's probably too late for me to participate, but a shout out to Lawyer Mama for announcing this over on Facebook. This is one of the first photos I took back when I was getting into photography and I'm posting it here in support of Haiti as part of this month's greeblepix contest.

Photo copyright: Janet M Kincaid. All rights reserved.